- Sunday – Thursday: 9 am to 4:30 pm
- Friday – Saturday: Day Off
About Us
Who We Are
Project at a Glance
The project aims to support the removal of barriers to the adoption of utility-scale wind energy tied to the national grid in Sudan. Wind energy has been identified as a priority mitigation technology by the Government of Sudan, and, although it is a mature technology globally, it has not yet been adopted in Sudan. A systems approach is proposed to integrate energy policy analysis within the broader developmental objectives of Sudan. The project will also establish regulatory frameworks for encouraging private investments in grid-connected wind energy. Sudan currently has plans to develop utility-scale wind farms in three regions: Dongola in the North, Nyala in the South and the Red Sea coastal region.
The project includes four components: the implementation of an initial wind farm; support to the development of a policy and regulatory instrument, particularly to encourage private sector participation; strengthening the support for wind technology in the country; and an adaptive learning and replication plan. Support to the implementation of the first wind farm in Sudan, Dongola, will align the wind farm with international best practices. It will also create a case study for replication in later wind farms. The Dongola wind farm will be implemented in five phases over the lifetime of the UNDP-implemented, GEF-financed project. This phasing will allow lessons-learned in the early phases to be applied in the later phases and, perhaps more importantly, will provide five years of continuous wind farm construction-commissioning-operation that will serve as a laboratory for training personnel and developing associated tools and guidelines. The opportunity to have such continuous exposure is very rare and will assist in transferring knowledge and experience to neighbouring countries.
Our Supporters
Project Partners
The project implementing partner is the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity. The project is expected to last 60 months. Though it was planned to be on board but actually the project kicked off on 1st April 2015 and planned for completion by 1st April 2020. The project activities are implemented by an independent project management unit which is responsible for the annual and quarterly planning in line with the project document, implementation of the planned activities as per the agreed time schedule which is subject to prior approvals of project board (for the annual plan) and the project technical committee (for the quarterly plans), the management is responsible for reporting to and coordinating among the project partners and management of day to day work.
Key partners and stakeholder are:
- UNDP Country Office Khartoum
- Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity
- Ministry of Finance and National Economy
- Ministry of Oil and Gas
- Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources
- Sudanese Metrology Corporation
- Private sector companies
Project Outcomes

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine
Outcome 1
Support the implementation of the first wind farm in Sudan in Dongola which will align the wind farm with international best practices. It will also create a case study for replication in later wind farms. The Dongola wind farm will be implemented in five phases over the lifetime of the UNDP-implemented, GEF-financed project. The plan is that lessons learned in the first phase to be applied in subsequent phases and it will provide five years of continuous wind farm construction-commissioning-operation that will serve as a laboratory for training personnel and developing associated tools and guidelines. The opportunity to have such continuous exposure is very rare and will assist in transferring knowledge and experience to neighboring countries.
Outcome 2
The project will also establish the policy and regulatory frameworks for encouraging private investments in grid-connected wind energy. This includes supporting the ministry of water resource and electricity (MWRE) in the development of pro-renewable energy policies and regulations as, Sudan Grid Code, Feed-in-Tariff law, Power Purchase Agreement, and Independent Power Producers models. In addition to the specific documents, it also covers human resource development in those areas of interventions.
Outcome 3
Wind Resource mapping to produce a wind map for Sudan with the main focus on target areas of the Red Sea coast, Dongola area in the north, and Nyala area in the western part of the country. It includes human capital development and analysis of wind resources and GIS mapping. Further, relevant higher education institutions will also be supported through the provision of renewable energy education tools.
Outcome 4
Documentation and sharing of lessons learned is an integral part of the project implementation process which aims at learning from others' experience in the implementation of similar activities especially at the regional level and sharing project experience as well.
Project Staff
Project Staff
Meet Our Profesionals

Hind Alamin
Project Manager

Khalid Elabbassy
Project Engineer

Ahmed Osman
Project Engineer

Amira Taha
Project Accountant
Wind Energy Project
Wind Energy Project (WEP)
Words By Project Manager
The project achieved the outcomes activities. Final preparations are being made for the installation of the first wind turbine. The project achieved its goal of determining the path of generating clean energy and laying the scientific foundations for future continuation.
Hind Elamin Elnor
Project Manager
Project Achievements
Achievement Outcome 1
The project has achieved many of the activities of the project outcomes. Under outcome1 the project was able to get finance from the Ministry of Finance and National Economy as a grant equivalent to USD 800,000 towards the construction of the access road from the main highway to the site (47.0 Km). A contract signed with a local construction company. The company started the construction and completed around 80 % of the work. The project had made several attempts to avail sustainable financing for the baseline project, with little success. A contract was signed with a local consultant to Develop the FiT policy NAMA for Wind Power in Sudan.
Achievement Outcome 2
Under outcome 2, the project achieved EIA studies for the Red Sea project and completed a study on the effect of wind turbines on Migratory Soaring Birds in Dongola (site for the pilot project) and along the Red Sea. This is deemed a remarkable achievement as it is a critical study that needs to be done ahead of any installations on the ground, especially along the Red Sea coast which represents an important flyway for the soaring birds. National consultant conducted a survey of the existing legislation and regulation for private sector involvement in grid-connected Renewable Energies. A contract was signed with an international consultant for the survey of policies and codes within the East African Power Pool members. The international consultant would also support the Integration of policies and codes compatible with EAPP members. An International consultant developed and endorses a standardized Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) report for grid-connected renewable energy projects report. Recruitment for an international consultant to assist in the development of FiT systems for SUDAN is in progress. Recruitment for an international consultant to assist in the formulation and adoption of grid code for the interconnection of variable renewable energy sources is in progress. Recruitment for an international consultant to assist in the development and implementation of the IPP Act for investors in Wind Energy projects is in progress.
Achievement Outcome 3
Under outcome 3 The project signed an agreement with SETCO (Sudanese Electricity Transmission Company) to develop and produce a wind atlas for Sudan in a GIS system, with additional layers for geology, geomorphology, land ownership, and type (e.g. protected areas/forests), settlements and routes of migratory birds. The project staff carried out the standardization of wind meteo-stations and relocation of wind measurement masts. A standardization report for the wind measurement equipment was produced and all the wind measurement equipment were maintained and re-calibrated in Germany especially for the wind vane and wind anemometer. Recruitment for an international firm for the development of a national map to highlight priority areas for wind development is in progress. The project purchased and distributed automatic meteo-weather stations for a number of higher education institutions as training and study material for university students and the national research centers. In this regard about 3 universities' students were trained in this respect. To establish collaboration with established RE-related curricula and activities at international universities and institutions, the project signed a contract with the University of Khartoum Consulting Corporation (UKCC) to review the current renewable energy curriculum and programs in the Sudanese universities and higher education institutions.
Achievement Outcome 4
Under outcome 4 The project staff collected, compiled, and disseminated documented lessons-learned, experiences, and best practices related to the development of the Dongola wind farm (including website, film, and photos) for the wind farm project in Sudan. A mission was implemented to the Kingdom of Morocco for Standing to Morocco's experience in the field of renewable energy and to provide cross-sectoral perspective and high-level political support for the new renewable energy law when it comes to approval by the National Assembly. Of particular importance were the training workshops: Updating Grid Emission Factor, Power Purchase Agreement, Grid Integration of RE Power Generation Systems, NAMA Academy Fall 2015, WAsP Software training program, Wind farms, and contracts management, Finance for Non -Financial Managers, Power Purchase PPA, Financing Power Projects, Policymaker tour to the kingdom of Morocco, Ammonit wind measurement equipment, Formulating proposals for low carbon climate-resilient development: Designing Green Climate Fund (GCF) Projects and Designing maps with ArcGIS which will be held on Beirut, Lebanon on 25 Sept 2017 -6 October.
Project Timeline
Project Timeline
The project is expected to last 60 months. The project activities are implemented by an independent project management unit which is responsible for the annual and quarterly planning in line with the project document, implementation of the planned activities as per the agreed time schedule which is subject to prior approvals of project board.
Year 1
- April 2015
Establishment of project management system. Review of existing information on renewable energy standards, policies, and regulation and wind measurements. Identify gaps and means for addressing them. Review the status of the implementation of the pilot wind farm in Dongola Implement capacity development programs on wind resource mapping, development of policies and project management.
April 2015
Year 2
Development of wind map for Sudan. Technical study on the grid integration of the Dongola pilot wind farm. Design and implementation of grid integration system for the pilot wind farm. Capacity development on the implementation of the pilot wind farm. Scio-economic and environmental study of the pilot wind farm
Year 3
Evaluation of the socio-economic and environmental impact of the pilot wind farm. Develop technical and environmental standards for wind farms in Sudan. Continue capacity development on technical, policy and regulatory system.
Year 4
Develop investment plan for wind energy in Sudan. Assist in the creation of a one-stop-shop for investment in wind energy within the ministry of Water Resources and Electricity. Implement capacity development program on wind farm design and implementation. Documentation of lessons learned on wind mapping, wind farm planning, construction and operation.
Year 5
Assist in the marketing of wind energy program in the Red Sea to potential investors. Evaluation of project activities, documentation and sharing lessons learned among local and regional actors in wind energy.
June 2021
Year 6
- June 2021
Assist in the marketing of wind energy program in the Red Sea to potential investors. Evaluation of project activities, documentation and sharing lessons learned among local and regional actors in wind energy.
Former Employees
Mohamed Ali Hamid
Project Manager from April 2015 to June 2016
Major Achievements:
- Project Establishment and project timeline planning.
- Development of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
- Migratory Soaring Birds studies for both Red Sea and Dongola sites.
- Capacity building on Resource Mapping, PPA and Grid Emission factor.
Mohammed Sid Ahmed
Project Engineer from April 2015 till August 2016
Participate on the following Outcomes:
- Project Establishment.
- Development of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
- Migratory Soaring Birds studies for both Red Sea and Dongola sites.
- Capacity building on PPA.
Ahmed Eltaif Mohammed
Project Engineer from January 2016 till August 2016
Participate on the following Outcomes:
- Base-line Project Development.
- Development of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
- Capacity building on Resource Mapping.
Tarig Tagalasfia Ahmed
Project Engineer from January 2016 till August 2016
Achievements during project:
- Orgnizing “National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA).
- Base-line Project Development.
- Introduction of One Stop Shop (OSS) for private sector investment.
- Introduction of encouraging polices and regulation for RE development.