Achievement Outcome 2

Under outcome 2, the project achieved EIA studies for the Red Sea project and completed a study on the effect of wind turbines on Migratory Soaring Birds in Dongola (site for the pilot project) and along the Red Sea. This is deemed a remarkable achievement as it is a critical study that needs to be done ahead of any installations on the ground, especially along the Red Sea coast which represents an important flyway for the soaring birds. National consultant conducted a survey of the existing legislation and regulation for private sector involvement in grid-connected Renewable Energies. A contract was signed with an international consultant for the survey of policies and codes within the East African Power Pool members. The international consultant would also support the Integration of policies and codes compatible with EAPP members. An International consultant developed and endorses a standardized Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) report for grid-connected renewable energy projects report. Recruitment for an international consultant to assist in the development of FiT systems for SUDAN is in progress. Recruitment for an international consultant to assist in the formulation and adoption of grid code for the interconnection of variable renewable energy sources is in progress. Recruitment for an international consultant to assist in the development and implementation of the IPP Act for investors in Wind Energy projects is in progress.

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