Achievement Outcome 3

Under outcome 3 The project signed an agreement with SETCO (Sudanese Electricity Transmission Company) to develop and produce a wind atlas for Sudan in a GIS system, with additional layers for geology, geomorphology, land ownership, and type (e.g. protected areas/forests), settlements and routes of migratory birds. The project staff carried out the standardization of wind meteo-stations and relocation of wind measurement masts. A standardization report for the wind measurement equipment was produced and all the wind measurement equipment were maintained and re-calibrated in Germany especially for the wind vane and wind anemometer. Recruitment for an international firm for the development of a national map to highlight priority areas for wind development is in progress. The project purchased and distributed automatic meteo-weather stations for a number of higher education institutions as training and study material for university students and the national research centers. In this regard about 3 universities’ students were trained in this respect. To establish collaboration with established RE-related curricula and activities at international universities and institutions, the project signed a contract with the University of Khartoum Consulting Corporation (UKCC) to review the current renewable energy curriculum and programs in the Sudanese universities and higher education institutions.

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