Operation Of The First Meteorological Station At The National Energy Research Center In Soba

The Wind Energy Project funded by the GEF, UNDP, and the Ministry of Finance and National Economy, and implemented by the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation, and Electricity, celebrated the operation of the first meteorological station at the National Energy Research Center in Soba.

Project Manager, Engineer Hind Elamin said, “The project aims to measure wind speeds at various altitudes, in addition to temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and solar radiation. This is a real addition to facilitating the work of all researchers in the field of wind energy, stressing that one of the objectives of the project is to develop wind energy technology in Sudan and all partners of the project and those interested in renewable energies and wind energy in particular, noting that the project has prepared a workshop by a foreign expert for training in the analysis and assessment of wind resources. The training included various Sudanese universities and the Energy Research Center participated as well.”

She also explained that the project has prepared technical specifications and the supply of three educational air measurement stations. All stations are delivered to research centers and universities. The WEP will supervise the installation, indicating that one of them is being celebrated at the National Center for Energy Research, one of the most important partners of the project.


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